Friday, December 4, 2009

Deck Out Your Fridays! Wreathes aren't just for Christmas!

Making and hanging wreathes is great for any time of year!

To make your own wreath, start with a wire or foam base, depending on what you plan on adding to it.  Use materials that you find in the season that you'll be hanging the wreath during.  A few ideas to start:

Autumn: Color-turned leaves, nuts and berries, Indian Corn, dried gourds 
Winter: Evergreen base, pine cones, red berries
Spring: Twig base with beginning buds, or Fresh green leaves (for beginning or end of spring), pastels
Summer: Fresh green base, sunflowers, bold-colored flowers

Examples, respectively (Not my own work!):



It's easy to have fun and get creative with wreathes.  If you use natural material, you can recycle the wreath when it wilts, then start new each season.  It saves space and starts a great tradition!


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