Friday, October 9, 2009

Deck Out Your Fridays! Tree Ghosts

Why not make your front yard tree a Christmas tree? Only for Halloween!

"Tree ghosts" are cute ornaments that you can make to display from your branches for the Spooky Season. The best part about this project is that you can make them completely from recycled materials and they're totally durable! I've had made for well over 10 years.

What you'll need:
  • White fabric - either purchased from a craft store or recycled from old sheets, shirts,etc. The amount will depend on how many you want to make. (See instructions)
  • Newspapers, paper-towels, whatever you have laying around
  • String - Yarn or fishing wire will also work
  • Black marker - Sharpee, Fabric paint pen
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon - optional
  1. Cut a square of white fabric. The size is entirely up to you and where you're hanging it. Try a square foot to start.
  2. Draw a face - use long ovals for his eyes and mouth. (You know, if you want.) Read on to approximate where to place your face.
  3. Take your newspaper and scrunch into a ball. (About the size of your fist if using 1 square foot of fabric.)
  4. Flip the fabric over so it's face down. Place the paper ball in the center. Wrap the fabric around the ball as if you're wrapping a lollypop. (Before the next step, this would be the best time to mark where your face should go if you weren't sure before!)
  5. Using your string, or ribbon, tie a knot around the fabric beneath the paper ball. It doesn't have to be super tight! Just tight enough so the ball can't get loose.
  6. Thread your string through the top of the head (cut two small holes to thread thicker string, like yarn) and tie to make a loop for hanging.
  7. Display!
When I finally dig my decorations of the attic, I will be putting pictures up. I'm so behind!!

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