Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Activities Tuesdays: JibJab your life!

JibJab is brilliant fun and someone recently reminded me about the Halloween "sendables" they have!

The site consists of pre-created visuals (involving dancing or short stories) where the user can upload their own photos to the characters.  I can't quite explain it to do it justice, but it's HILARIOUS!! I suggest you try it out.

Here's a sample that I created with myself and a few of my very close friends...:

You can either create your own heads to use or use ones offered by JibJab.  Aside from the Monster Mash, they also have Night of the Living Dead'ish, Ghoulblasters, Zombie Party, and much, MUCH more!  (Some require a purchase in order to save.)

Send me your best and I'll post them!

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