Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's a Stretch! Saturdays: The Twilight Saga

As November 20th is quickly approaching, the wild roar of preteen screams is steadily growing.  That must mean New Moon is coming soon.

I have a love-hate relationship with this series.  The first time (yes, first time) I read through it, I fell in love.  Then I saw the film...  BOMB!  I'm not sure which hit harder: the shoddy directing, or the cringe-worthy acting.  Wait, maybe it was the awful screenwriting...  Well, it could have been any number of things or just the dreadful combination of it all.  Whatever it was that tipped me over the edge, my friend and I just couldn't hold back the raucous laughter from our sheer incredulity!

After that shitshow, (I believe) I immediately reread the series trying to fall back in love with it.  All I saw, though, was a love story surrounding two pathetically frustrating characters who would have done better to bang in the beginning, then go from there.  The reread just made it worse.

About one year later from when I was initially introduced to the Saga, and a fair bit after having seen the movie,  I read it all AGAIN.  The trailers for the second installation had me intrigued.  I thought the films should have been made by a man from the very start.  You heard me right.  Well, the third time through was a bit better.  I could take it for what it was: a fantasy series based on a contradicting character of a girl, (she is both oddly observant, yet particularly dumb,) and sparkling vamps.

I'm truly excited for the second film, New Moon, now.  I have a bit of a thing for Natives ;)  The whole animalistic, spiritual, nature thing?  I get that.  The directing looks MUCH better and I have high hopes that they've been able to hide the terrible acting better.  C'mon, it was bad.  Now I just have to find a good time to go watch it, when there aren't a bunch of screaming, stalking, hormone-heavy females drooling at the scream.  I'm scarred from the last film's midnight showing...

I'm really interested to hear what you think about the series.  Let me have it!


good sense in daily life said...

I must admit I agree with you. New Moon does look to promise a bit more intrigue than the first movie which was a let down for me...(I to have a Native thing). I do believe Twilight tried real hard, I am hopeful for New Moon & maybe they'll get it right to finish off the third in the saga. To quote the old cliche..."The book is always better"!

Melissa said...

I am seeing the movie Friday night. I have read the series, painfully still trying to get through the 4th and final book. I absolutely loved the first, like you said. Any one after that was down hill.

Also hated the movie. And in my opinion it was the shitty acting haha. The second one, now not a low-budget film, looks spectactular. I did hear though that it's not like the book (so then whats the point?)

I'll let you know after this weekend what I thought of the movie